as1 Gravel Additional modules
Get the most out of the plant by utilising special as1 Control System modules.
Gravel crushing recipes
Gravel crushing recipes
The use of this module ensures that even the rarest end-product can be produced in the greatest quantities possible. The operator factors in source and destination silo levels.
Optimising the night shift
Optimising the night shift
With this module, the plant is unmanned at night but continues production until all dosing silos are full. In the event of a malfunction, the control system switches the machine to secure status and alerts the designated employees.
Self-loading at night
Self-loading at night
Customers can obtain material from the dosing plant at night by using identification cards. The presence of plant personnel is not required.
as1 IMM
as1 IMM
The as1 IMM is the ideal tool for scheduling and monitoring plant maintenance. The module is entirely integrated into the as1 Control System. It supports tasks with fixed time schedules, or based on actual operating hours or quantities. It also enables the input of specific events as well. Plant personnel can create tasks that contain multimedia information such as videos, pictures or documents for easy instructions to the staff. Documents with order information and prices also can be created. These can be added to the individual tasks to develop a report on actual and planned maintenance costs. Notifications remind the staff when maintenance work is due.
List of upcoming maintenance work
Use of operating hours and production quantities from as1 control system
Planning of regular and event-based maintenance work
Cost tracking
Integration of detailed, multi-media work instructions
as1 Excel AddIn
as1 Excel AddIn
Doplňkový modul as1 pro Excel usnadňuje přenos dat z rozsáhlé databáze as1 k dalšímu zpracování prostřednictvím tabulkového programu Microsoft Excel. Základní verze as1 poskytuje rozsáhlé záznamy statistických údajů. Tento modul vám umožní vytvořit vaši vlastní vizualizaci pro další vyhodnocení dat. Data lze rovněž stáhnout a vyhodnotit offline. Modul poskytuje několik předdefinovaných databázových dotazů, jako např. statistiky výroby, spotřeba komponent, spotřeba RAP a další. Tyto údaje poté po vyhodnocení programem Excel mohou poskytnout důležité informace pro rozhodování.
Stažení určených dat přímo do vaší databáze Excel
Nově vytvořená data lze snadno a kdykoliv integrovat pouhým kliknutím myši
Data obsažená v jediném důvěryhodném zdroji
as1 Truck Weighing
as1 Truck Weighing
The module can be used to weigh vehicles and create delivery receipts. The efficiencies provide cost-savings and satisfied customers. Receipts can be transferred electronically into the invoicing system, which considerably reduces administrative work. The module can be operated as a stand-alone system or combined with as1 LoadOut to further streamline your processes.
Reduced administrative costs
Delivery note creation
Single push button loads the required quantity and prints the delivery note
Contact Form
Schedule online meeting